Marketing Strategies as a Graphic Designer Freelancer

Marketing is an essential part of any business. But what happens when you are a graphic designer freelancer? It can be difficult to find the time and resources to execute marketing strategies for your own business. That’s why we’re sharing our top tips on how to take advantage of marketing opportunities as a freelancer, so that you can grow your client base and increase revenue!

Build (and maintain) a strong brand identity

First and foremost, you should consider branding yourself as a business. This means developing your own unique logo, creating an online presence through social media pages (like Facebook or Instagram), designing your website to reflect your style of work, utilizing email marketing tactics by sending newsletters to clients with recent pieces of work…the list truly goes on! The key thing is, you want to give potential clients a feel of what your business looks like and the quality of work it produces.

Create (and maintain) customer relationships through social media

We all know that Instagram and Facebook are both crucial tools for growing our businesses as designers – but we don’t want to just post pretty images on these platforms once in a while. It is so important to be engaging with our audience and creating relationships on social media because these are the people who will hopefully become clients of ours down the road!

Study the competitor’s market and see what’s working

Competitor research is a must when you’re starting out on your own. You don’t want to be doing the same things your competitors are, so it’s important to study their market and see what they have been up to. There might even be some techniques that work well for them but could also possibly help with getting more clients in our industry.

Ads, Social Media, and Other Specific Tactics

Once we know our target audience and what they like, it’s time to figure out the best ways to engage with them. This includes things like ads on social media (Facebook, Instagram), sending information about your services in relevant places (Pinterest boards), or even hanging up some flyers at local popular spots.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and test things out.

Find the best ways to reach your audience and stick with it. Try different style of contents and ads to see what works best for your audience


I’ve found the best way to find new clients is by using Artmeet Freelance Marketplace. It’s a place where artists, designers, and other freelancers can offer their services for hire or post jobs that they need filled in their business. It has an easy-to-navigate interface with lots of different filters so you can search based on your needs at any given time – without having to wade through tons of irrelevant posts and offers from others looking for work as well. Click this link now to check it out!

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