I am a Koogan Letchumanan working as Data Annotator and Labeller (Data Scientist) at WKJ Consultancy (Zoom), where I specialize in improving AI model accuracy through high-quality data annotation and software testing using Zoom AI Sphere.

πŸ† Top 3 Accomplishments:

  1. Enhanced AI Annotation Efficiency – Developed a Python program utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate labeling processes, improving efficiency and accuracy in NLP workflows.
  2. Resume Parser Project at TCS – Designed and implemented a Resume Parser using Python, employing Selenium, Scikit-learn, and Regex to streamline data extraction for hiring processes.
  3. Research & Publications – Authored a thesis on PM2.5 prediction using Machine Learning and contributed to a journal on improving chatbot performance with deep learning, demonstrating expertise in AI applications.
πŸ” More About Me:

  • Experienced in data analysis, machine learning, NLP, and automation.
  • Skilled in Python, Tableau, Power BI, Selenium, and TensorFlow.
  • Passionate about making knowledge accessible and engagingβ€”currently launching a YouTube channel on general knowledge topics.
πŸš€ Always eager to innovate, learn, and contribute to AI-driven solutions!

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PythonMicrosoft ExcelJupyter NotebookOpenCVTableauMatplotlibSeabornPlotlyPower BIWeb Scraping BeautifulSoupSeleniumScrapyAPI Integration RESTful APIsPython requestsData Cleaning PandasNumPyOpenRefineTensorFlowScikit learnPyTorchKerasRegression Analysis LinearLogisticPolynomialClassification Models SVMDecision TreesRandom ForestXGBoostForecasting Models ARIMALSTMNeural Networks CNNsRNNsModel Evaluation Cross validationROC AUCGrid SearchSnorkelLarge Language Models LLMsText Parsing RegexspaCyNLTKSentiment AnalysisTopic Modeling LDALatent Semantic AnalysisNamed Entity Recognition NERText Summarization ExtractiveAbstractiveGradioLabel StudioKNIMESelenium Web ScrapingData Quality Assurance ScriptsSQL for querying and managing data
Joined on Feb 2025