My name is Carolyn, and I am currently a graduating student from Temasek Polytechnic, prospective student entering University in September 2024.
I an passionate about web application development and designing aesthetic and user-friendly interfaces.
I am proficient in Adobe XD & Figma. I have experience with working with other start ups. To design their logos I used Canva :). Please feel free to reach out to me for any further queries.
I an passionate about web application development and designing aesthetic and user-friendly interfaces.
I am proficient in Adobe XD & Figma. I have experience with working with other start ups. To design their logos I used Canva :). Please feel free to reach out to me for any further queries.
Worked at 2 startups and a local bank as stated in my resume
Adobe XDFigmaCanvaHTMLCSSJavaScript
- Female
- Singapore
- Joined on Feb 2024